



《變》片於周二提供午夜場場次,最終共有55院放映,當中除了The Grand的豪華影院放映2D版外,其餘均為3D版本,合共錄得約48萬的成績,每場人次亦接近80水平。到了周三,《變》片可以說是橫掃當日票房,未計算午夜場的收入下,全港141院共映625場,票房錄得551萬,令電影在首天累積達六百萬,今天該衝破千萬大關。











  1. Ned


  2. Ken Resurrected

    It is a spectacular opening. Looks like TRANSFORMERS 3 can easily gross over HK$60 million, as even an opening day multiplier of 11 will put it to close at HK$61 million.

    The last TRANSFORMERS movie close with around HK$47 million with 3D, so factoring ticket premiums, an additional HK$9-10 million will mean TRANSFORMERS 3 has expanded its attendance levels over its predecessor, which means it is on track to be a better performer than PIRATES 3D.

    Of course, there is also a risk that the movie will dropoff drastically in the weeks ahead, but judging how Hong Kong has been so kind to sequels lately, that is not to be expected.

    Early buzz is that the movie is slightly better received than TRANSFORMERS 2, so hitting HK$70 million is not out of the question, if people’s expectations are not high.

  3. CP3

    3d好快out, 因為其實好多3d戲都只有30-40% 畫面屬3d,而且電影顏色又被3d眼鏡影響,加上票價太不合理。


  4. Ken Resurrected

    Ken Resurrected :The last TRANSFORMERS movie close with around HK$47 million with 3D,

    Sorry I really mean TRANSFORMERS 2 did around HK$47 million without 3D price premium. So I am figuring a healthy 20% increase in additional grosses mean the 3D sequel would have matched the attendance levels from 2009, which should be easy to do, barring any spectacular bad word of mouth.

  5. 迷逃小書童華安


  6. B

    Transformers 3 had a fantastic opening day even though it did not beat Toy Story 3’s opening day.

    It still doesn’t guarantee a HK 58.37 million total. The whole Transformers franchise has been terribly frontloaded. The second movie got by until Harry Potter’s release in its 4th weekend.

    Now, Transformers 3 will have the final Harry Potter release on its 3rd weekend and I think it will drop massively that weekend. What this record-breaking weekend means for Transformers is that it will have a bigger drop next weekend but it will be helped by no new big release (rush factor) and summer sequel legs. It could see a 55% drop next weekend.

  7. dicpcily



    Transformers 3在香港的公映,已經變成了城中的一件盛事了.! 恭喜.!!!!!!

    GO.! GO.! GO.!!!!!!!!

  8. JJ

    transformers 3平日收551萬,應是平日開畫票房新高紀錄,這個紀錄是可以預計得到的,最重要在乎銀幕數目的多少.


  9. Fred

    Morning session was really a good option. I watched the 1040 session this morning at the UA Hollywood. It only costed me $65! The session was half full.

  10. JJ






  11. patrick1029

    百老匯電影中心好誇張 , 全日唔計 transformer 3 2D 同 3D 就得番一場 11:40 PM《建》

  12. patrick1029

    patrick1029 :

    百老匯電影中心好誇張 , 全日唔計 transformer 3 2D 同 3D 就得番一場 11:40 PM《建》

    講錯 , 係百老匯旺角

  13. pody

    patrick1029 :

    百老匯電影中心好誇張 , 全日唔計 transformer 3 2D 同 3D 就得番一場 11:40 PM《建》


  14. Ken Resurrected

    Guys, please do some homework before posting. Ryan’s blog is very easy to navigate, just go to menu, click only box office archives, click for July 2010 articles, then you can find:


    I like to add that The last TRANSFORMERS movie opened with HK$3.81 million (excluding midnight previews), and closed with around HK$47 million, meaning it had an opening day multiplier of around 12. If the latest TRANSFORMERS follows the same pattern, it will finish with no less than HK$65 million, and hitting HK$70 million is certainly possible. Then again, if HARRY POTTER finale become so dominant again later, it will hurt late momentum, but then again, the last TRANSFORMERS also burnt out quickly.

    The last time a movie opened so dominantly in terms of grosses and screenings must be TOY STORY 3, which opened to
    HK$4.67 million, and finishing with over HK$85 million. Of course, TRANSFORMERS 3 is not expected to have those kind of legs. It still makes me think Hong Kong market is so small, it is easy to manipulate screenings and force people to only see one movie. It is not very healthy.

  15. Ken Resurrected

    JJ :
    transformers 3平日收551萬,應是平日開畫票房新高紀錄,這個紀錄是可以預計得到的,最重要在乎銀幕數目的多少.

    It is true, but I don’t think the amount will be significant. This is not SEX AND ZEN 3D where the mainland visitors must see it in Hong Kong and no place else close enough.

    If people are thinking TRANSFORMERS 3D can get higher attendance levels because of mainlanders, can you give an estimated percentage? TRANSFORMERS 3 already opened initially with lower attendance in the USA as reported by mojo. Assuming you are right, I will only say TRANSFORMERS 3D will barely received a 5% boost in grosses at best over its predecessor, adding another HK$2.5 million.

    Here is my most optimistic projection:

    TRANSFORMERS 2: HK$48 million
    Estimated opening day multiplier: 12.5(opened at HK$3.81 million and close with HK$48 million)

    Estimated boost in attendance due
    to mainland visitors: 5% of T2 = HK$2.4 million
    Estimated boost in local attendance: 5% of T2 = HK$2.4 million
    Estimated boost in grosses due to 3D:
    30% of T2 = HK$14.4 million

    Add the above all up and I get the follows:

    HK$48 + 2.4 + 2.4 + 14.4 = HK$67.2 million

    I think as long as TRANSFORMERS 3 finished with an opening day multiplier of 12.5 and finish with anything above HK$69 million will successfully matches its predecessor’s overall attendance, and I consider that an impressive performance.

    Ryan, sorry if this message is so long. I will tone it down and edit it shorter if you decide to delete this. Thanks.

  16. Ned


    JJ :


  17. shtmanhk

    Ned :


  18. JJ

    Ned :
    JJ :《變形金剛:黑月降臨》開畫日單日收551萬,肯定是香港開埠以來平日開畫票房紀錄,勝過昨年7月的”反斗奇兵3″.但開畫院數141院未能破”哈利7上”的144院紀錄.但也應是第二位了.開畫日單日141院收551萬,是很理想的數字,這才對得住發行商和院商,”哈利7上”144院開畫日收265萬簡直是災難.





  19. 華仔

    旺角百老匯三個大院和THE ONE一樣加入了震動座位.大大增加了到此院睇戲的吸引性.我有幾個朋友都因為震動座椅的關係轉到旺角百老匯睇變形金剛3.

  20. 舊人

    華仔 :
    旺角百老匯三個大院和THE ONE一樣加入了震動座位.大大增加了到此院睇戲的吸引性.我有幾個朋友都因為震動座椅的關係轉到旺角百老匯睇變形金剛3.


  21. shtmanhk

    《變形金剛:黑月降臨》首日連周三午夜場為640萬,刷新非假期開畫票房紀錄.(這個紀錄可能只維持兩星期,兩年前 harry potter 上映隨即打破).此片如是原定的6月30日假期前夕開畫,票房更高不足為奇.變形金剛3比去年破紀錄的反斗奇兵3開畫多近百萬,但若要埋單破 反斗奇兵3

    p.s.平均入座人次參考無妨,但以此作全盤推演分析小心為上.(見諸 toy story 3 及 avatar)





    加勒比海盜:魔盜狂潮 266萬(連優先場首日累收395萬)
    阿凡達 262萬(連優先場首日累收368萬)
    小人國大歷險 225萬
    人.神.魔戰 223萬
    愛麗絲夢遊仙境 220萬

    地心探險記 132萬
    生化危機3D 125萬
    潛行深淵 118萬
    死神4來了 115萬
    舞出真我3D 114萬
    創戰紀 113萬
    變種食人倉3D 80萬

    變形金剛:黑月降臨 591萬(連優先場首日累收640萬)

  22. Ken Resurrected

    shtmanhk :
    此片如是原定的6月30日假期前夕開畫,票房更高不足為奇.變形金剛3比去年破紀錄的反斗奇兵3開畫多近百萬,但若要埋單破 反斗奇兵3近九千萬票房絕非易事.
    p.s.平均入座人次參考無妨,但以此作全盤推演分析小心為上.(見諸 toy story 3 及…

    That is one of your more diplomatic responses. I will give credit to that.

    Still, estimated attendance has been a hot debate topic, and when you factor in TRANSFORMERS 3′ market domination and how its predecessor’ was less dominant in the market place back in 2009, anybody would naturally conclude that the current sequel is hugely benefitted from lack of choice.

    Now we just need to watch closely if the opening 2 weeks domination will translate to a decent second week decline. Even if its second Thursday decline become 70%, that would still mean it is holding up almost as well as THOR did, and THOR is the only poor example of 3D performance in the past month or two, and it still actually finishes with a multiplier of about 13 times its opening Thursday grosses.

    Enhanced expectations for TRANSFORMERS 3D would now mean it must cross HK$80 million to justify why it deserve to be so dominant, because TOY STORY 3 benefitted from that strong word of mouth and excellent marketing and promotion.

  23. shtmanhk

    JJ :






  24. shtmanhk

    CP3 :
    3d好快out, 因為其實好多3d戲都只有30-40% 畫面屬3d,而且電影顏色又被3d眼鏡影響,加上票價太不合理。


    史高西斯,史匹堡,彼德積遜,列尼史葛,李安 等大導演的3D新片也陸續推出,雲溫達斯和華納荷索兩位新片也用3D拍攝:《翩娜》(Pina)和《忘夢洞》(Cave of Forgotten Dreams)。

  25. JJ

    shtmanhk :
    JJ :




  26. shtmanhk

    JJ :


    case by case



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