











  1. The retention rate for 《賽德克.巴萊》下集 is disappointing. Pretty obvious not all of those who see part I like what they see, so they skip part II. 《太陽旗》actually already did much better than I originally thought, so it is still overall decent.

    I originally thought exhibitors will at least let 《亞瑟少爺救聖誕》keep a sizable number of screenings as Christmas close in and finish with HK$2.5 million, but only 24 showtimes yesterday? Exhibitors are certainly very realistic thinking.

    《鴻門宴》further lags behind other similar movies of recent years in the HK market. Could this be Leon Lai’s new HK low?

  2. 鴻門宴票房其實真的不錯

    這樣的宣傳, 不給力的院線(多間百老匯及UA朗豪坊沒有上映)有108萬已有所交待~

    有人好像很開心似的, 黎明最低票房是06年在內地上映了3個之後連影碟也出了才在香港上映的心中有鬼27萬票房….哈哈…暫時還未及得某人只有8萬票房之低!

    古裝片拍得太濫了, 香港不是太接受反觀國內票房1.5億了~真的針對不同市場!


  3. King :
    古裝片拍得太濫了, 香港不是太接受反觀國內票房1.5億了~真的針對不同市場!

    I don’t understand why you need to be so defensive for Leon Lai.

    I don’t really have much personal agenda against Leon Lai. I am just describing the disappointing box office, and the most directly comparable person to showcase how low Leon has fallen is Aaron Kwok, as obviously Aaron Kwok has his fair share of flops in the HK market.

    I just sort of agree with Ryan’s take that Leon Lai is no longer selling tickets in HK, because movie-goers will really question do they want to see him on screen anymore, the way North American audiences are treating Tom Cruise these days.

    I don’t feel HK movie-goers have that problem with Aaron Kwok at this stage, as if there is a right movie Aaron is in, people will give him a chance.

    If your idea is to keep mentioning mainland Chinese box office in a HK box office forum like this one, then you keep going off topic.

  4. Ken Resurrected :
    King :古裝片拍得太濫了, 香港不是太接受反觀國內票房1.5億了~真的針對不同市場!龍門飛甲也要賣3D再配合大宣傳!!

    I don’t understand why you need to be so defensive for Leon Lai.
    I don’t really have much personal agenda against Leon Lai. I am just …

    我亦是以理分析票房, 什麼defensive Leon Lai??? 我有那點說錯你可以指出來? 別經常標榜著別人怎樣怎樣的是誰的支持者….這樣會令人覺得你有理據?? 我亦曾指出黎明的票房號召力只是一般, 但比起郭富城還是勝一籌…這點到目前為止也是事實!

    如果講offtopic是你吧…哈哈..拿aaron kwok來比較的是你, 我回你的post又有問題? 票房是整體的, 過往亦有網友在這個版提及國內票房, 為什麼你不指那些人offtopic? 難道你不肯/不敢承認aaron kwok國內票房就是屎?? 哈哈…

    >套用返你自己說的…點解你咁維護aaron kwok?? 任何演員都係架啦….哈哈..真俾你笑死! 任達華張家輝票房唔係好架, 有電影啱佢地不是一樣有戲拍?

  5. King :如果講offtopic是你吧…哈哈..拿aaron kwok來比較的是你, 我回你的post又有問題? 票房是整體的, 過往亦有網友在這個版提及國內票房, 為什麼你不指那些人offtopic? 難道你不肯/不敢承認aaron kwok國內票房就是屎?? 哈哈…

    It is you who brought up Leon Lai’s mainland box office. If there are other people who run off topic here who are not responding to my post, it is not my business. But you are responding to my post running off topic of HK box office. LOL

    I never said Aaron Kwok’s box office is strong. When I am comparing him to Leon Lai, it only means that Leon Lai has fallen very bad. It does not mean Aaron Kwok is any good, got it?

    At this point of their career in HK, Aaron Kwok is better than Leon Lai, simply because the movies that Leon Lai had been starring in the past few years are safe projects.

    Not everything need to be measured in absolute dollar value, box office drawing power can be measured in relative terms to the genre of the movie. This is something Mr Shtmanhk never fully grasp, and apparently you are on the same boat as him.

    Still, because you guys never reply in english and keep twisting my meaning by replying in Chinese with hostile classless words, this discussion is pointless.


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