






小眾發行方面,高先發行的驚慄片《德州棄屍現場》於八院映32場,票房收竟較《極速天使》還多萬三元,不過每場人次仍只達16左右,看來電影吸引力十分有限。相比之下,安樂發行的《世紀末婚禮》雖然只安排旗下的Palace IFC及百老匯電影中心放映,不過首天十場卻獲近萬八元收入,每場人次在27左右,明顯地看準了其目標觀眾。反觀娛樂首次親自發行的印度電影《阿漢正傳》雖然在印度知名演員坐陣,可是首天於UA太古城中心、UA MegaBox及UA iSquare共映13場,只能錄得票房萬一,收入比起同樣上映13場但上映第十九周的《作死不離3兄弟》還少逾半,反映娛藝於自家發行與宣傳仍需多多學習。


家庭客源方面,霍士發行的《花鼠明星俱樂部3》在學校假期結束後,昨映31場雖然票房較《作》片為低,但累積15天卻達902萬,周末仍有望借家庭客源及增場再高峰。華語電影方面,同日開畫的《3D龍門飛甲》昨映32場下只錄得票房四萬二千,累積則達567萬,也許只能寄望達至六百萬水平。而上周開畫的《Laughing Gor之潛罪犯》昨於33院映97場則獲票房14萬,累積八天達524萬,恐怕最終票房在七百萬之下。反觀安樂發行艾慕杜華執導的《我的華麗皮囊》於入座仍仍算理想,昨於六院映29場仍達八萬七千,成為一眾電影跌幅較少的一部,累積則達151萬,可望累積達至二百萬以上。






  1. 《龍紋身的女孩》will actually do a bit better in HK than Fincher’s SOCIAL NETWORK’s HK$4.5 million gross, a bit of a shocker in my opinion. It has potential to cross HK$7 million, depending on what kind of legs it has, although violent movies doesn’t tend to have legs.

    《花鼠明星俱樂部3》actually will come very close to HK$10 million when all is said and done, becoming the top grossing movie of the franchise in HK. That’s extremely incredible considering the movie has cooled off significantly in its home turf market.

    A bit of a surprise Ryan did not mention Fox other family drama 翻身動物園. It is on track to finish with HK$3-3.25 million, thus further showing how Matt Damon is not a box office draw in HK.

    《Laughing Gor之潛罪犯》has a terrible 2nd Thursday. It may wind up with an opening Thursday multiplier of less than 11 times. Guess this may be the last LAUGHING GOR movie.

    《極速天使》bombing is not a total surprise, just it bombs this bad is an eye-opener. Movies headlining female HK stars are always a tough sell if the movie does not have date appeal.

    《我的華麗皮囊》continues to excel. Something tells me this is already Almodovar’s top grossing movie in HK so far. Guess fans of vintage Almodovar as well as fans for his more recent work all come out to support the movie.

    《緣滿除夕夜》is the second 2011 ensemble romantic comedy for Warner Brothers. Although Ryan points out it is bad timing for the movie, I was shocked to see this one opening higher in HK than WB’s own CRAZY STUPID LOVE.

  2. 《緣滿除夕夜》shockingly opens higher than 華納’s CRAZY STUPID LOVE despite what Ryan points out. I have no idea why exhibitors could not find room for this movie to open on 29 December. Guess 華納’s bargaining power in HK is not good.

    《Laughing Gor之潛罪犯》crash and burn on its 2nd week. Guess there won’t be anymore Laughing Gor movies.

    Fox HK continues to have much to celebrate. 翻身動物園 will attempt to finish between HK$3-3.5 million, a not so bad final gross given the crowded family market place and this one being the last of all December family fare released. The real surprise is 《花鼠明星俱樂部3》ended up being the highest grossing film for the franchise in HK, very impressive considering it has cooled off a lot in the US market.

    《極速天使》doing this bad is an eye-opener. I know movies headlining all female Chinese stars are a tough sell, especially when there is no date appeal, but I am very sorry to see it bomb so badly.

    《龍紋身的女孩》is going to do better than Fincher’s SOCIAL NETWORK in HK. Violent movies seldom have legs, so we will see if this one can cross HK$7 million. The original Swedish trilogy already bombed in HK, so I am not expecting miracles.

    Finally, EDKO shows again how good they are distributing foreign movies. 《我的華麗皮囊》seems already achieved the status as Almodovar’s top grossing film in HK in such a short period. Hats off!


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